In 2016 Paralympics the Aussies have been able to secure two golds out of three in the sailing category.

That is quite an achievement for the Paralympic Sonar team of the country. This comprised of Jonathan Harris, Russell Boaden and Colin Harrison. While the medal race is scheduled for Saturday, with the two medals already acquired, the team is in the mood to celebrate.
The Aussies were elated on day five of the competitions at the Marina da Gloria as they won two gold medals in the two people and three person keelboat categories a day ahead of the finish. Daniel and Liesl of SKUD18 were on fire as they won two races to get their first title in Paralympics ever. The Sonar team was able to get a lead of 24 points which guaranteed them a gold medal. This ensured that there would be an Advance Australia Fair at the Flamengo Beach before the Medal Ceremony. The Australian anthem played out three times as Matt Bugg gained a lead of four points in the One Person Keelboat category, but got demoted to the third position as Helena Lucas emerged on top. (more…)